Shannon Poppie
Transformational Handwriting Specialist and Coach
My name is Shannon Poppie and I am thrilled to be in the business of helping others choose their soul’s greatest joy.
I have been an avid seeker of Universal Truths since I was shaken awake during a moment of total despair and surrender on my kitchen floor. In 2010 my oldest daughter got sick and through that illness-- and more thankfully through that healing! my whole life changed.
That kitchen floor moment opened me to an undeniable divine presence that led me to explore many areas of metaphysics, such as conscious choice making, Ho'oponopono, the power of thoughts, the Law of Attraction, and the sacred symbolism of the Vimala Alphabet.
I found Transformational Handwriting because of Louise Hay
one of the best-known leaders in the field of metaphysics. In the video “I Can” she explained how she totally changed her handwriting and that she was inspired to do so by Dr. Vimala Rodgers, who wrote Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life.
I decided to give it a try.
Vimala Rodgers was right! As I practiced writing in a new way, my life started to unfold and change in the most amazing ways. After one year of doing my own writing practice, more good fortune unfolded and I flew out to California to attend a retreat with Vimala and the rest is history! I am proud to be a certified teacher of Transformational Handwriting using the Vimala Alphabet with the International Institute of Handwriting Studies since 2016.
I believe that the greatest power we all have been given is CHOICE. I have learned, and more importantly experienced, that when we choose to inscribe each incredible letter of our Alphabet in a specific manner, we choose to align with a very real force that is just waiting to support us in unleashing our unlimited potential.
It is my passion to share the mystery and meaning of sacred handwriting with the Vimala Alphabet as a pathway to discover and uncover your soul’s greatest joy!
The choice is yours!
You have the power to transform your life- Write Now!
~Shannon Poppie
Frequently Asked Questions
Transformational Handwriting is both a scientific and sacred system for creating positive change. Your handwriting is a graphic representation of your subconscious thoughts and how you see yourself and the world. When you consciously change the way you write, you change the way you think, and that changes everything.
When you learn how to inscribe words and letters in a supportive way, it literally realigns the neurons in your brain and helps to remove old thought patterns of lack and limitation.
A handwriting analyst is able to intuit a great deal about your character traits based on your penmanship. A Transformation Handwriting specialist can teach you how to bring out and cultivate the best of you by transforming the way you write.
The Vimala Alphabet was created by Vimala Rodgers, a pioneer in brain/hand research, educator, handwriting expert, and alphabetician. The Vimala Alphabet focuses on the inherent energy of each letter of the alphabet and the subsequent effect upon the psyche. You can learn more about Vimala at
It takes 40 days of consecutive writing for the neurons in the brain to completely realign themselves, which is what the process of altering handwriting patterns does. True to conventional wisdom, it takes 40 days to change a habit.
When we use a keyboard to type we use the primitive, non-social part of the brain, also referred to as the reptilian brain. Conversely, we trigger the prefrontal lobe of the brain, known as our creative center, when we hold a pen or pencil. This is why writing down dreams and goals increases the likelihood you’ll stick with them by 42%!
“This work gives me the opportunity to reframe my life story!”